Previous events - Page 20
Diane Cuny (Université de Tours, France)
In this open lecture, Professor Daniel H. Solomon will cover current clinical controversies in gout, focusing on implications of the disease beyond the joint.
Democratisation is arguably Taiwan’s most significant achievement since 1945. This lecture addresses the impact of cultural democratisation by using Taiwan cinema as a case study.
Department seminar. Edwin Leuven is a Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo. He will present the paper: "Event Studies, Endogenous Fertility Timing and the Child Penalty."
Saeedeh Salimifar talks about presupposition projection:
Join us for a CIMS seminar with Professor Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen from the University of Copenhagen, reflecting upon the cultural and historical trajectories of the Prophet. The conversation will be led by Ragnhild J. Zorgati.
In this lecture, the German philosopher Christian Grüny will reflect upon the concept of Performance Art, exploring its possible relevance within contemporary art and music practices.
Research and public discourse about reproductive technologies tend to emphasize the experiences and practices of women. This seminar explores how men are implicated as users of emergent reproductive technologies.
Department seminar. Torsten Persson is Professor of Economics at Stockholm University and Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics. He will present the paper: “The Political Economics of Green Transitions”.
The religious landscape of Taiwan is made of a large variety of denominations. Buddhism, Daoism, Yiguandao, and also Christianity, Islam, aboriginal religions: These are just some of the faces of Taiwanese religion. These beliefs and practices also appear in society in different forms and on several platforms.
Velkommen til Arabiske Filmdager og samtale om politisk satire med “Midt?stens Jon Stewart”!
In this DynamiTE lunchtime seminar, Jamie Draper will be presenting his paper ‘Climate Change and Territorial Sovereignty’.
Join us for the book launch of The Modern Arabic Bible: Translation, Dissemination and Literary Impact, exploring how nahda translations of the Bible transformed Arabic language and literature. Rana Issa discusses her book, published by Edinburgh University Press in 2023, in conversation with Ingeborg Amadou Fossest?l.
The actress, director and producer Agnete Haaland shares her reflections on the intersection between performance practice and academic study of Henrik Ibsen's works and stage legacy.
Department seminar. Joonas Tuhkuri is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Stockholm University He will present the paper: "New Evidence on the Effect of Technology on Employment and Skill Demand".
Sayragul Sauytbay will give unique insight into what is happening in Xinjiang concentration camps, and what the Communist Party's ideology and strategy is.
Department seminar. Tore Ellingsen is Professor of Economics at Stockholm School of Economics. He will present the paper: "A Model of Social Duties".
Taiwan as the cradle of Austronesian expansion is a widely accepted hypothesis. This lecture discusses the significance of Taiwan as an island.
In this lecture, Matthew Fuller (Goldsmiths University) will discuss "investigative aesthetics", or the role of sensing and sense-making in investigative practices in art, journalism and law.
The Emergence of the Modern United States, 1896-1929
Department seminar. Andreas Gerster is a Acting Professor of Economics at University of Mannheim. He will present the paper: “Energy Tax Exemptions and Industrial Production”.
The whale is held to have great symbolic meaning, as an environmental emblem, as food, as tourist attraction, and more. In Andenes, Vester?len, two anthropologists, Britt Kramvig and Sadie Hale talk about their search for different kinds of whales and the particular ways that the whale-as-symbol is contested in this place.
Jon R?yne Kyllingstad (f.1966) er historiker og har jobbet med vitenskapshistorie og akademiske institusjoners historie i perioden ca. 1870-2000. Han har i mange ?r v?rt opptatt av ideer om rase, etnisitet, kultur og nasjon innen fag som antropologi, genetikk, arkeologi, historie. Siden 2017 har han arbeidet ved Kulturhistorisk museums avdeling Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie, og har tidligere v?rt f?rstekonservator ved Norsk Teknisk Museum der han sammen med Ageliki Lefkaditou sto bak utstillingen FOLK – fra rasetyper til DNA-sekvenser.
Hege Randi T?rressen will visit the Centre for Ibsen Studies to talk about her profession as a dramaturg at the National Theatre. This industry talk will be informative and provide a unique perspective about the National Theatre. There will be a Q&A session afterwards. Light refreshments will be served.
Prof. Julian Caskel, from Folkwang University of the Arts, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series.