Upcoming conferences

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus and P.A, Munchs hus, UiO

The conference Kj?nnsforskning N?! will be taking place in Oslo on the 5th and 6th of June 2025.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen / YouTube

RITMO Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time, and Motion is excited to host the 18th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus25) 11-13 June 2025.

Time and place: , University of Oslo

The organizing committee is excited to welcome you to Oslo, Norway in June 2025 for a conference gathering colleagues working at the intersection of biomedical science and the social sciences and humanities. We aim to build a network of peers working in the field of social medicine, including health practitioners jointly trained in the social sciences or humanities and scholars across disciplines committed to nurturing health for all through practice, theory, and/or action.