To ensure that management reviews the HSE system regularly to ensure it is working, and to consider improvements.
Range of application
Applies to all units at the University. Management reviews shall be conducted at department, faculty and university level.
The head of the unit is responsible for management reviews being conducted annually.
Management review consists of obtaining and summarising data, and holding a meeting at which management reviews the documents and makes decisions. The management review form (word) (Norwegian) can be used. Managers decide who should attend the meeting and call the meeting . (Employee representatives do not participate in this meeting.)
Obtaining and summarising data
Managers must ensure that documents are obtained and summarised. The background data must be sent to the meeting participants 14 days before the meeting.
Conducting the meeting
Managers must ensure that participants discuss what is stated in the documents, focusing on the overall performance of the HSE system:
- Is the system appropriate?
- Does the system fulfil the University's working environment policy and goals?
- Does it achieve the desired results?
Managers must ensure that the meeting will result in an action plan.
Managers must ensure that action plans from the management review are sent to LWEC and the unit board.
Archiving of HSE documents (Norwegian).
Document ID
- Compiled by: Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness
- Authorized by: University Director Gunn-Elin Aa. Bj?rneboe
- Date of authorization: 19.06.2017
- Version: 4
- Case and document no. in ePhorte: 2012/11454-85