Norwegian version of this page

Policy for HSE coordination agreements

The University shall have coordination agreements in cases where University staff or students have their workplace at the premises of other organisations. The same applies when other organisations have staff or students in the University's premises.


Where staff or students from the University work at the premises of other organisations, or staff or students from other organisations work at the premises of the University, fully satisfactory physical working conditions must be ensured. Coordination agreements must reflect the requirements of the Working Environment Act, the Internal Control Regulations and regulations for handling hazardous substances.


  • The main company will usually be the company that makes its premises available.
  • The coordination agreement should be reviewed annually by the parties to ensure that it works as intended.
  • A University safety representative must be involved in the work.
  • It is sufficient to state in the contract for individuals working on the University's premises that they are obliged to follow the University of Oslo's HSE system and have the right to access the system.


Points to be considered in a coordination agreement:

  • which is the main business
  • who is responsible for:
    • operation and maintenance of buildings
    • operation and maintenance of technical installations
    • inventory
    • procurement of necessary safety devices
    • emergency response
    • waste disposal
    • obtaining necessary approvals from the relevant authorities
  • how staff should be guaranteed access to internal HSE procedures on the premises, and what training they must undergo
  • how to ensure that the staff and students have access to current information on matters related to HSE
  • the reporting paths to be used
  • safety organisation
  • which elements apply from their own organisation's HSE system
  • mutual exchange of information on risk factors

The psychosocial and organisational work environment is not part of the coordination agreement.


The content of the coordination agreement shall be made known and available to whom the agreement applies.


The annual review of the agreement should be made known to the relevant working environment committee.


See this page in Norwegian

Document ID

  • Compiled by: Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness
  • Authorized by: University Director Gunn-Elin Aa. Bj?rneboe
  • Date of authorization: 19.05.2017
  • Version: 4
  • Case and document no. in ePhorte: 2012/11454-73
Published Mar. 13, 2013 9:38 AM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2017 9:49 AM