Nordic countries
The University of Oslo participates in all Nordic Research and Educational Programmes funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and cooperates widely on research and education with higher education institutions and research institutes in all the Nordic countries.

UiO:Nordic is a world-leading interdisciplinary research initiative on the Nordic region and Nordic issues in an international context. UiO:Nordic involves most faculties, and is intended to provide new knowledge about the Nordic countries: their historic preconditions, challenges, paradoxes and opportunities for the future. This initiative comprises both research and education. UiO:Nordic had more than 10 large interdisciplinary research groups.
Research collaboration
- The University of Oslo has research collaboration with all Nordic countries.
- The Department of Teacher Education and School Research at the University of Oslo coordinates the Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) "Quality in Nordic Teaching" (Quint)
- UiO engages in Nordic cooperation on infrastructure through participation in Nordic Research Infrastructures.
Collaboration in education and student exchange
Nordplus programme
Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' most important programme in the area of lifelong learning. Nordplus consists of five sub-programmes which cover the entire educational sector. Each sub-programme embodies the Nordic Council of Ministers’ objectives of increased quality and cooperation within the fields of education in the Nordic-Baltic region. Through all Nordplus programmes you may apply for funding for projects or networks, while Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult and Nordplus Higher Education also give you the option of support and funding for mobility.
See the website of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills for further information about Nordplus (in Norwegian)
Nordplus Higher Education
Nordplus Higher Education provides funding for networks, projects and exchange of teachers and students in the higher education sector.
Activities that may be eligible for funding include:
- linking higher education institutions (HEIs) in the participating countries, private as well as public, offering recognized tertiary level qualifications, establishing networks for exchanging and disseminating experiences, best practices and innovative results
- contributing to cooperation between HEIs and other institutions or organisations involved in or having vested interests in the area of higher education
- contributing to cooperation between HEIs and the labour market
- facilitating high-quality individual academic or workplace-based exchanges for students and teachers in Nordplus countries.
Nordlys is one of the largest networks within the Nordplus programme and comprises 36 member institutions. The main aim of this network is to facilitate student mobility within the Nordic countries.