Norwegian version of this page

Georg Morgenstiernes hus

Address: Blindernveien 31, entrance from Moltke Moes vei


Open map in MazeMap

Opening hours

Getting to Georg Morgenstiernes hus

In the building


  • In general: The building has seven floors.
  • Parking: Information about HC parking at UiO.
  • Entrance: The main entrance on the first floor is wheelchair accessible with automatic control.
  • Lifts: Two personnel lifts with direct access from the lobby. Measurements: 120 x 210 cm. Automatic doors. Doorway: 90 cm. There is also a goods lift with limited access level in the back of the building.
  • Toilets: Accessible toilets with automatic control on all floors.
  • Lecture rooms:
    • Audio system on the four first rows in Arne N?ss auditorium.
    • Induction loops in seminar rooms 203, 204, 205, 206 and 207.


Built in:

Blindernveien 31,
entrance from Moltke Moes vei

Gross area:
9.428 m?

Operations area:
Lower Blindern

Building number:

Published July 12, 2016 9:38 AM - Last modified Aug. 16, 2024 10:07 AM