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Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research

Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research honor research of outstanding quality in basic and clinical medicine, and are among the largest within Nordic biomedical research.

Image collage of Jahre Award winners 2024

Winners 2024

The 2024 Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research and its NOK 1 million prize is given to Professor Lauri Aaltonen, University of Helsinki, and Professor Thomas Helleday, Karolinska Institutet.

The Anders Jahre Award for Young Researchers and its NOK 400,000 prize goes to Associate Professor Nicolai Albrechtsen and Associate Professor Nicholas Taylor, both at University of Copenhagen. 

Read more about the winners

About the award

In 1953, Anders Jahre, donated one million Norwegian kroner to the University of Oslo.

Previous winners

The Anders Jahre's Award for Medical Research was bestowed for the first time in 1960.


The international prize committee consists of five members.