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Design of applications

To ensure that applications are in line with UiO's design manual, we have created a special design for applications with an associated set of templates.

Who does this apply to?

All web applications at UiO should have a uniform look. However, if it is not possible to implement the design due to technical or resource constraints, it is possible to apply for an exemption.

  • The deadline for updating to the new design is 1 June 2023. Application owners who are unable to meet this deadline should contact to apply for an extension.

How to apply the design

A set of templates has been created (HTML, CSS and pictures) that you can use as a starting point to design your application. Read more on how to use the set of templates for applications.

Description of the design

The application design consists of a top, a bottom and a section for main content. The top and bottom consist of several content elements.

All content elements are obligatory, except for language selection and log in/out, which are contingent on the application supporting these functions.

The application design on desktop

screenshot of the application template

The application design on mobile

screenshot of design on mobile


Application name

Name of application/ system

The name is also a link that should direct to the front page of the application. If login is required, the link should direct to the page that function as the front page after the user has logged in.

If the application does not have a front page, the link should be removed from the application name.

Choice of language

If the application is available in more than one language, then the option to change the language should be placed on the right side of the top link bar.

Log out 

If the application supports logout, the log out-link should be placed at the bottom right in a drop-down menu below the username.

Main content of the application

There are currently no formal guidelines pertaining to the main content.

However, make sure to follow the general guidelines for fonts and use of colour as stated in the design manual for web pages.


Name of application

Must be placed in the lower left.

Terms and conditions

Privacy declarations, accessibility declarations and, if applicable, conditions for use


Link to the application's user manual

Contact information

Email address and/or phone number you can use to receive help with the service.

Responsible for this service

Name (with link to the website) to the unit/department that is responsible for the service. 

Applications for mobile

UiO's logo must be displayed on the main page, but is optional on subpages. There are no specific restrictions on where the logo should be placed.



Published Jan. 25, 2022 7:08 AM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2022 3:15 PM