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  • Rundebordsm?te om klimarisiko, naturrisiko og ESG-rapportering 31. mai 2024 10:47

    Mandag 27. mai 2024 ble det avholdt et rundebordsm?te p? Universitetet i Oslo. M?tet, arrangert av Oslo Science City i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med dScience – senter for data- og beregningsvitenskap, ble initiert av DNV. Temaet for m?tet var utfordringer knyttet til klimarisiko, naturrisiko og de nye kravene til rapportering p? milj?-, sosiale- og forretningsetiske forhold, bedre kjent som ESG-rapportering (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

  • Kongelig glans over satsing p? kvanteteknologi 15. mai 2024 10:59

    UiO inng?r forsknings澳门葡京手机版app下载 med Niels Bohr Instituttet i K?benhavn. Det ble markert med bes?k av det danske kongeparet og v?rt eget kronprinspar.

  • Vi trenger ?pne norske spr?kmodeller 17. apr. 2024 14:20

    Det er stor enighet om at Norge m? satse videre p? ?pne norske spr?kmodeller fremover. Dette kom frem p? arrangementet ?CuttingEdgeAI - NORA.LLM: ?pne norske spr?kmodeller som allemannseie".

Morten D?hlens blogg

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澳门葡京手机版app下载 ved dScience

  • Hvordan bruke MER KI i Norge? 15. aug. 2024 16:00

    Samfunnet m? bruke mer kunstig intelligens (KI) og det m? skje raskere for at vi skal klare ? l?se store utfordringer i alle sektorer. Vi inviterer til en samtale for ? se n?rmere p? konkrete utfordringer og mulige l?sninger.

  • dScience lunsjseminar 19. sep. 2024 12:00

    Velkommen til v?rt dScience lunsjseminar i Realfagsbiblioteket.

  • Save the date! Data Science Day @ UiO 2024 17. okt. 2024 17:00

    dScience ?nsker velkommen til ?rets Data Science Day.

  • dScience lunsjseminar 24. okt. 2024 12:00

    Velkommen til v?rt dScience lunsjseminar i Realfagsbiblioteket.

Andre relevante arrangementer

  • Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology - 10 ECTS 17. juni 2024 00:00

    This summer school will give you the opportunity to perform cutting edge research with the world's leading researchers in their fields.

  • INF-8606 Generative AI for health and life sciences - 5 ECTS 5. aug. 2024 12:30

    In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the fusion of artificial intelligence and life sciences is creating groundbreaking opportunities for innovation and discovery. This course is designed to equip students with fundamental knowledge essential for navigating this dynamic intersection, particularly focusing on the realm of Generative AI and its applications within life science.

  • INF-8605 Interpretability in deep learning - 5 ECTS 7. aug. 2024 09:00

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning approaches are often considered black boxes, i.e. as a type of algorithms that accomplish learning tasks but cannot explain how. However, as AI/deep learning is increasingly absorbed as adopted for accomplishing cognitive tasks for human beings, it is becoming important that the deep learning models are understandable by humans, such that artificial and human intelligence can co-exist and collaborate. In critical tasks such as deriving, from given data, a correct medical diagnosis and prognosis, collaboration between artificial and human intelligence are imperative so that the suggestions or decisions from artificial intelligence are both more accurate and more trustworthy.

  • Grant writing webinar series: Navigating the Norwegian Funding Landscape 3. sep. 2024 10:00

    Are you planning on writing your first grant proposal? Or perhaps you've ventured into grant writing before, but haven't yet found success? Introducing our latest grant writing webinar series, exclusively crafted for PhD candidates and postdocs in biotechnology and life sciences.

    Whether you're stepping into grant writing for the first time or seeking to refine your approach, this webinar series promises to empower you with the knowledge and strategies essential for success.