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Ole Jacob Madsen - Psykologisk institutt

& Society , 5 (2), 46-57. Madsen, O. J., Johannes, S. & ?yen, S. A. (2013). 'I am a philosopher of the particular case': An interview with the 2009 Holberg...

Jon Hovi - Institutt for statsvitenskap

Jon Hovi Professor - Institutt for Statsvitenskap English version of this page E-post jon.hovi@stv.uio.no Telefon +47 22855192 Rom 940 Treffetider ons

Jobb og karriere - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

grad fra Det samfunnsvitenskapelig fakultet? Da er du en av v?re alumner. Ved ? delta i v?re alumni-nettverk f?r du mulighet til ? holde deg faglig...

Pernille Rieker - Arena Senter for europaforskning

. Rieker, Pernille (2023). Norway – a non-member and active supporter of EU enlargement . I Keading, Michael; Pollak, Johannes & Schmidt, Paul (Red...

Krister Westlye Fjermestad - Psykologisk institutt

. Journal of Pediatric Nursing : Nursing Care of Children and Families . ISSN 0882-5963. 76, s. 91–98. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2024.01.032 . Boettcher, Johannes...

Thor Olav Thoresen - ?konomisk institutt

vitenarkiv Vis sammendrag The elasticity of taxable income (ETI) holds the promise of representing a summary measure of tax efciency costs, which means that...

Johan Fredrik Rye - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

, Johan Fredrik (2023). Offshoring social reproduction: low-wage labour circulation and the separation of work and family life. I Waters, Johanna & Yeoh...

Maren Toft - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

). The gendered reproduction of the upper class. I Korsnes, Olav; Heilbron, Johan; Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Bühlmann, Felix & Savage, Mike (Red.), New...

Jan Erling Klausen - Institutt for statsvitenskap

great variation between councillors in this respect. Analysing strategic and ideological explanations, we found that right-wing politicians tend to hold...

Prinsipper under press: ?konomisk politikk i krisetider (Principles) - ?konomisk institutt

Steinar Holden Universitetet i Oslo Andreas Moxnes BI Knut R?ed Frischsenteret Oddbj?rn Raaum Frischsenteret Simen Markussen Frischsenteret Tao Zhang...

Steinar Holden - ?konomisk institutt

Steinar Holden Professor - ?konomisk institutt English version of this page E-post steinar.holden@econ.uio.no Telefon +47 22855156 Mobiltelefon +47...

Ole André Solbakken - Psykologisk institutt

p? ulike kvalitetsindikatorer innen psykisk helsevern. Det handler som regel om at frister m? holdes, aktivitet m? telles, prosedyrer m? kodes

Diderik Lund - ?konomisk institutt

the neutrality result holds under very general assumptions. Consequences of two different modifications of the Brown Tax are considered. Next, there is...

Andreas Kotsadam - ?konomisk institutt

Health Economics . ISSN 0167-6296. 83(102615). doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102615 . Reme, Bj?rn-Atle; Kotsadam, Andreas; Bjelland, Johannes; Sunds?y, P?l...

Alfred Jean-Marie Schroyen - ?konomisk institutt

and waiting time are independent of income, and if waiting for treatment does not reduce the productivity of patients. If these conditions do not hold...

Tidligere master- og hovedfagsoppgaver ved Sosialantropologisk Institutt - Sosialantropologisk institutt

participation among Kabuli youths Elgvin, Johannes: Koranskolens folk. En kvalitativ studie av en tyrkiskdominert islamsk menighet i Oslo Enge, Maria Therese...

Staffan Kumlin - Institutt for statsvitenskap

fiscally costly immigration? A political economy tradition holds that reactions depend on economic self-interest, whereas a social psychology tradition...

Havg?ende kjemper - Sosialantropologisk institutt

Sibilia og postdoktor Vinzenz B?umer Escobar. I tillegg 澳门葡京手机版app下载er Schober med postdoktorene Camelia Dewan og Johanna Markkula i prosjektet Container Ships...

The legitimacy of EU foreign and security policy in the age of global contestation (LEGOF) - Arena Senter for europaforskning

forutsigbar utenrikspolitisk akt?r? EUs utenrikssjef Federica Mogherini holder pressekonferanse f?r et m?te i FNs sikkerhetsr?d. Foto: UN Photo/Kim Haughton Om...

Ingela Lundin Kvalem - Psykologisk institutt

early motherhood; “The depressed mother,” in which the ED is put on hold during pregnancy, but worsens in early motherhood; and “The succeeding mother...